Home Ethnic Yoghurt sauce

Yoghurt sauce

Yoghurt sauce

I’m not even going to pretend that I’m trying to make tzatziki (for that, I omit the dill and sweetened condensed milk… but no way I’m leaving out dill!! I also put finely chopped cucumber in a tzatziki… but then my cucumber-loving kid won’t eat it!!) This is great in souvlaki.

5 minutes

1 cup natural Greek yoghurt
1 TB sweetened condensed milk
Juice of ½ a lemon (add the zest too for extra kick)
1 whole-clove garlic or 4-5 regular cloves, minced
2 TB fresh dill (or tube equivalent)

Optional extras: chopped chives or onions, spring onion

1 – Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Doesn’t get any easier than that!
