Home Baked Chocolate hazelnut bear claws

Chocolate hazelnut bear claws

Chocolate hazelnut bear claws

We took bread baking classes many, many years ago. The shop is no longer there, but these are still tasty!

Make a double batch – otherwise you’ll run out of them too quickly. Trust me.

2 hours

Ingredients: Claws (dry)
1½ cups strong white flour (white untreated)
2 ts instant yeast
1 ts bread improver
½ ts salt
1½ TB vanillin sugar
1 ts mixed spice
Ingredients: Claws (wet)
½ cup warm milk
60g melted butter
2 egg yolks

Ingredients: Chocolate hazelnut filling
¼ cup brown sugar
1½ TB plain flour
45g softened butter
2 TB hazelnut meal
1 ts cocoa powder
1 ts cinnamon

Ingredients: Sweet glaze
1 TB icing mixture
2 ts melted butter
¼ ts vanilla essence
drops of water or milk as needed

1 – Mix dry dough ingredients together in a large bowl

2 – Add combined liquid ingredients, mix to form a firm but moist dough. Work dough gently for 30 seconds, then return to bowl and allow to double in size covered (approx 1 hour).

3 – Chocolate Hazelnut Filling: combine all ingredients together until they form a crumble mixture.

4 – Tip dough onto a floured board and roll into a rectangle approximately 60 cm x 15/20 cm (If doubling the recipe, split into 2 batches)

5 – Spread chocolate hazelnut filling over the dough. Roll up dough into a long cylinder and pinch to seal shut.

6 – Cut the cylinder into 9 even pieces and shape each into a Bear Claw by making 2 even cuts and splaying them slightly open

Preheat oven to 195° C

7 – Place Bear Claws onto baking tray covered with Glad Bake and brush with an egg glaze. Allow to double in size.

8 – Bake 15 minutes or until golden, then place on cooling rack. Brush with sweet glaze while still warm.