Pressure & Slow Cooker Guide


Pressure Cooker times
I’ve been using my Tupperware microwave pressure cooker for a few weeks now and have fallen in love with it. No browning (unless I dirty a separate pan) but so quick, easy and cleanup is a breeze! Beef cheeks for the win! So far we’ve done everything at 900W x 30 or 31 minutes and it’s all been fine: combinations of protein (chicken thighs, beef cheeks, gravy beef, wallaby), vegetables and grains (pasta and rice).

If using a stove-top pressure cooker, brown meat first and add onion and garlic to get the flavour base going.

Make sure there’s enough liquid and that the pressure cooker is not over-filled.

MeatCutMinutes (High pressure)Serves (per person)
BeefChuck ½ -1″ thick
Chuck 1½ – 2″ thick
BeefShanks cut 1 – 1½” thick
Shanks cut 1½ – 2½” thick
½-1 shank
BeefShort ribs25500g
LambShank – 1″ pieces
Shank – 2-3″ pieces
16 +quick release
23+quick release
1 shank
LambShoulder pieces 1 – 1½”12-16180g
PorkRibs15+quick release500g
VealOsso bucco18-201 shank
ChickenWhole 1.5 kg
Whole 2 kg
Boneless pieces
18 +natural release
20 +natural release
4 +natural release
8 +natural release

Slow cooker times
Generally speaking, I don’t fuss about this too much. The slow cooker doesn’t do as well as the pressure cooker for vegetables such as onions, carrots and celery, so it’s a good idea to let these sweat a bit first in a pan until the onions are translucent. Brown the meat too, while you’re at it!

If you have the day, set the cooker on low and leave it until a couple of hours before mealtime. At the point, remove the lid, turn it up to high and let excess liquids evaporate. Add cream/coconut milk etc 30 minutes before serving.