These are awesome. Be careful to allow enough time at the start for the liquid to drain from the grated potatoes. These are (obviously) Latvian style, but after a bit of looking around I noticed that our family version is a bit different in that we add a splash of milk to create a more batter-y (not the Duracell kind) texture.
30-60 minutes to rest the potatoes, then maybe an hour of cooking
4 large potatoes
2 eggs
4 – 5 TB plain flour
splash of milk
Butter and lard for frying
1 – Grate potatoes into a bowl. Leave for 30-60 minutes for the starches to evacuate, or whatever it is that they do. You can drain this liquid, but when I’ve forgotten to do it everything has worked out fine. You’re supposed to squeeze the liquid out, but the world won’t end if you don’t.
2 – Add the eggs, mix through
3 – Add the flour, mix through. There are no exact measurements here – it depends on the size of the potatoes, the size of the eggs, humidity and your star sign.
4 – Add the splash of milk and mix thoroughly. It should look a little bit like pancake batter, but it’ll mainly look like grated potato.
5 – Heat 1 TB of lard with 1 TB butter in a large frying pan over high heat. Get it nice and hot.
6 – Cook heaped spoonfuls (about 2 TB each) of batter into the pan and flatten them out. They will take longer than regular pancakes. Flip when the underside is golden brown. Remove from heat when both sides are cooked and drain on a paper towel if desired.
7 – Serve with lingonberry jam and sour cream if you want to be traditional
7 – Serve with raspberry jam and sour cream if you don’t have lingonberry jam
7 – Serve with sugar and lemon juice for a refreshing alternative
7 – Serve with maple syrup if you dare